CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency – Currency Switcher


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CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency – Currency Switcher is a plugin designed to allow WooCommerce stores to display prices and accept payments in multiple currencies.

Product Description

CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency – Currency Switcher is a plugin designed to allow WooCommerce stores to display prices and accept payments in multiple currencies. Here’s a breakdown of its common features:  

Front-End (Customer Facing):

  • Currency Switcher: A prominent and user-friendly currency switcher (usually a dropdown or flags) displayed on the website, allowing customers to select their preferred currency.  
  • Real-time Currency Conversion: Prices are instantly updated to the selected currency using either real-time exchange rates or pre-defined rates.  
  • Currency Formatting: Correctly formats prices according to the selected currency’s conventions (e.g., symbol placement, decimal separators, thousands separators).  
  • Geolocation (Optional): Automatically detects the customer’s location and displays prices in their local currency by default.  
  • Cookie/Session Storage: Remembers the customer’s preferred currency for future visits.  

Back-End (Admin Features):

  • Currency Management: Add, edit, and delete currencies.
  • Exchange Rate Management:
    • Automatic Updates: Fetches exchange rates from a reliable source (e.g., Open Exchange Rates, European Central Bank) automatically at set intervals (e.g., hourly, daily).
    • Manual Updates: Allows store owners to manually set or adjust exchange rates.  
    • Markup/Discount: Add a percentage markup or discount to the exchange rate for each currency.
  • Pricing Options:
    • Fixed Prices per Currency: Set specific prices for products in each currency, independent of exchange rates. This is useful for managing profit margins or handling significant currency fluctuations.  
    • Exchange Rate Based Pricing: Prices are automatically calculated based on the current exchange rate.  
  • Currency Display Settings: Customize how the currency switcher is displayed (e.g., dropdown, flags, text) and where it’s located on the website.  
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Ensures compatibility with popular payment gateways, allowing customers to complete transactions in their chosen currency. Crucially, this often requires additional configuration or specific gateway support.
  • Reporting: Provides basic reports on sales in different currencies.
  • Widget Support: Offers widgets for displaying the currency switcher in various areas of the website.
  • Shortcode Support: Allows developers to use shortcodes to place the currency switcher anywhere on the site.  
  • Compatibility: Should be compatible with popular WooCommerce themes and plugins.
  • Customization Options: Provides options to customize the appearance and functionality of the plugin.

Important Considerations:

  • Payment Gateway Compatibility: Double-check that your payment gateway supports processing payments in multiple currencies and that the plugin integrates correctly with it. This is often the most complex part of multi-currency setups.
  • Exchange Rate Accuracy: The accuracy of exchange rates depends on the source used. Consider the frequency of updates and the reliability of the data provider.
  • Rounding: Be mindful of rounding issues when converting prices. The plugin should offer options for handling rounding.
  • Tax Implications: Consult with a tax professional regarding the implications of selling in multiple currencies.
  • Performance: Using real-time exchange rates can sometimes impact website performance. Consider caching or less frequent updates.

This list covers the most common and important features of a WooCommerce multi-currency plugin. The specific features available will vary depending on the plugin you choose. Always carefully review the plugin’s documentation and features before making a purchase.